Sunday, October 23, 2011

Top 20 Songs Of All Time!!

I'm gonna be putting all my blogs on here instead of Facebook from now on.  Until Facebook steps up their game a little better with their notes I am going to be switching to writing actual blogs.  You can't even put a hyperlink on the Facebook notes!!! That's ridiculous.  So anyway, here we are. 

Top 20 Songs Of All Time (according to David Motha Fuckin' Collins)

Well it has been quite awhile since I have made a top 20 list for all my little Facebook friends, so this is long overdue.  I have published lists on everything from the Top 20 Disney movies, to the world famous Bone List all the way to the top 20 sexiest female historical figures.  Tonight however, I am really going to step my game up.  Music is a very large part of my life, it's not only the way that I make a living, but it's also my emotional outlet. Whether it's a feeling of happiness, sadness, or anger; If i'm in love or if i'm betrayed, music is the best way for me to express it.  So this list really is very meaningful for me on a lot of different levels.  I often find myself riding in my car listening to a particular song and thinking to myself, "this is definitely in my top 5 favorite songs ever", or "this has got to be one of my favorite songs in the world."  But it's easy to just say that...what if I was to actually make a list?? Well to be honest this list has been in the making for well over a year, I have been thinking hard about it, adding to the list and subtracting as I hear old songs again or new songs come out, and to be honest if I make another list next year there might be 10 different songs on it.  This is an ever changing list really, and what it really ends up being is a snapshot into my momentary frame of mind. I encourage everyone to write their own lists!! Think about what songs you could not live without.  Think about the songs that you NEVER change if you hear it come on the radio.  Those are the songs i'm talking about!

I usually try and be scientific about these lists, giving ratings and reasons for my choices.  I didn't think that was very fair for this list, how can you compare one song to another?  There was really no way to sit down, give ratings, and number this list.  What I did was take the top 50 songs that made it onto my favorite songs list, then slowly narrowed it down. I basically looked at the list and eliminated one by one. The songs that made the top 20 will be on this list. From the 20 I continued to narrow down to my top 10, then 5, and finally all the way to number 1.  

With each song on the list I add a description and give reasons why I love the song so much, and I also attatched a link to a youtube video. I suggest listening to the song while you read the summary, It helps to put you in the right frame of mind to read it =D So anyway...On with the list!!

20. Mariah Carey - Always Be My Baby

Why it made the list:  I absolutely adore this song. It's like my childhood, and a lot of great memories.  I remember when I broke up with my first girlfriend when I was just a little dude.  I told myself that that song would be about her.  Then my next girlfriend, I thought the same thing! From dumb high school girlfriends to my most profound relationships this song kind of represents all of them to me.  When I hear this song, I think about my dumb little first kiss when i was too young to even know what it meant, and I think about the girls that I lived with and invested my whole world into. Every relationship applies to be honest lol.  Even though a lot of those relationships ended badly; on my side, or on theirs, I hear this song and I only think of the good times.  It might not seem fair that all these different girls apply to one song, but I think it's great!  I mean, no matter how much I hurt from the breakup, I hear this song and think of them and I can't do anything but smile.  Even though it's just a silly pop song, it is able to bring out that emotion from me...that's pretty fucking powerful, and I love it.

19. Alicia Keys - Unthinkable (I'm Ready)

Why it made the list: This is a relatively new song but it has shot it's way all the way up into my top 20, and why wouldn't it??  Alicia Keys has one of the best voices on the planet, and this song just hits me so hard.  There have been many nights driving around that I just put this song on repeat and just vibed out to it.  The music is perfectly chill, and the lyrics are absolutely phenomenal.  I don't really let a lot of people into my brain and how it works.  I try to play off the way my mind and emotions can mix together sometimes...but if you really read the lyrics of this song, Alicia really captures a lot of the emotions that I have felt in relationships.  Definitely so much better than a lot of the songs that come out these days and I love it. There is a version with Drake that I absolutely HATE.  He really just ruins a perfectly good song.  This is definitely the newest of all the songs on the list, but there is no reason for me to think it wont be here 10 years from now, this song is an instant classic.

18. Percy Sledge - When A Man Loves A Woman

Why it made the list: This is often considered one of the greatest love songs of all time, and I really cannot disagree.  It is in my opinion THE greatest love song of all time.  If a man can't identify or understand this song, then he has never really known true love, and that's just the way it is.  Unlike a lot of the traditional love songs you hear, it's not all sickly sweet and fake, it shows the darker sides of hurtful it can be when it's lost.  It basically sums up that when you're in love you can be taken to the highest of highs, all the way to the lowest of lows, and truer words have never been spoken.  The music is also great, the organ intro is so simple but very recognizable.  As soon as you hear those single notes on the organ you know exactly what is coming. Percy Sledge also has a great soul voice, and he really sets a great mood and makes the song so meaningful the way he sings it.  There is a Michael Bolton version of this song...blah, Percy is the only way to go.  Definitely the greatest love song of all time!

17.  Beats Antique - Slapdash Era

Why it made the list: This is so much different than my usual thing, but it doesn't even matter.  Beats Antique is actually a very interesting group.  Really kind of a fusion of a lot of different styles, it's kind of a down tempo hip hop feel, but borrows a lot from Middle Eastern musical styles.  The "lead singer" (if you can call it that) is actually Zoe Jakes, who is one of the premier belly dancers performing today, so Beats Antique songs are often used during modern belly dance performances.  I'm not an expert on the subject, but I follow Zoe Jakes (as well as the rest of The Indigo Belly Dance Company) and am somewhat familiar with the scene in general.  Like I said this song is very different than the rest of the stuff on this list, but I just love that down tempo feel and flavor of this song.  Kind of relaxing in a very offbeat kind of way.

16. Old Crow Medicine Show - Wagon Wheel

Why it made the list: I LOVE THIS SONG!  I'm pretty familiar with a lot of folk music (thanks mom) and I like a lot of it, but this song definitely takes the cake.  This song is actually loosely based on a Bob Dylan song, but Old Crow Medicine Show definitely makes it their own.  From the instruments to the vocal harmony this song top to bottom is just a perfect folk/bluegrass song.  This is also one of my favorite songs in the world to play, and no matter what, I will always begin a gig by playing this song.  The lyrics, while not great, are still good enough to elicit somewhat of an emotional response, and coupled with the aforementioned instrumentation and harmony it really has the capability to hit hard.  How exactly do you rock someone like a wagon wheel? I really am not country-fried enough to accurately answer that question, but regardless I sing that line like it's the most meaningful thing in the world to me, and I love it! Great song, I don't care how much you hate folk or country or whatever, this song is just flat out amazing. Song is PERFECT!

Just a little side note on the whole country thing by the way.  My hate for country music is well documented so you might be wondering how a song like this makes the list. To be honest this song does not at all fit into the modern country box that I am all too familiar with in this day and age, it's a throwback and so it escapes the accusatory pointing finger of my wrath.  So what exactly defines the "bad" country?  Well...I'm about to explain it to you in agonizing detail. 

Just a general heads up, i'm about to make it rain up in here. In the words of my favorite MTV show...You're about to find out what happens, when people stop being polite, and start getting real....The entire landscape of country music has dramatically changed over the course of the past 10 years, and it has paved the way for the "nu-country" scene that has currently taken over the country music industry.  Somewhere along the line, country music went from a commentary on American life and Americana to a bastardized version of itself that caters to a lifestyle that I not only disagree with but vehemently oppose, (and yes i'm talking specifically to you Zac Brown, you ugly bitch.)  It's like the country music industry was shoved into a grimy gas station bathroom to be rehashed and come out as a caricature of it's former self.  These days country music is nothing more than a collection of  hillbilly buzzwords, white-trash-esque phrasing and redneck colloquialism (terminology and buzzwords like; Cold beer, pick-up truck, dirt road, America and or Jesus).  It's like country music as a whole transformed itself to appeal to the gun totin' ,Fox News watchin', Larry The Cable Guy listen' idiots that wear Dixie Outfitter shirts with jeans tucked into their boots... they wear camo jackets and hats with a fishhook in the bill (because honestly, who knows when your gonna need a fishhook right??), they call each other "bubba" and "bo" and spend their free time in the woods squirrel hunting.  Like seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you? It's 2011. Unless you live in the woods and have a starving family at home there is no reason for you to go out into the woods with a shotgun and a case of beer so you can shoot a deer, and then give a hi-five to your friend Jethro and yell out GIT-R-DONEEE...and honestly, the sad part is this is real life.  This isn't an episode of King Of The Hill or The Beverly Hillbillies.  I'm talking about a measurable demographic of people in South Carolina. Fuck my life - it's depressing. I have to live with the fact that I live in a state where there are actually people that live this kind of life...newsflash white folks, this is why black people make fun of you.  And now, the fact that we have idiots like the aforementioned Zac Brown who are trying to drag the beach into this makes me want to vomit in horror.   Look, you people already ruined one genre of music, why would you be treading in another.  You wonder why I hate you so much Zac, well this is why.  You couldn't leave well enough alone, you couldn't be content to sing about fried chicken, cold beer, and the stars'n' you have to talk about having your "toes in the water, ass in the sand", and "gonna lay in the hot sun and roll a big fat one".  Fuck you. Go to hell and rot you redneck, white trash piece of shit.  Now were gonna have a whole generation of fuckheads thinking that you're supposed to lay on the beach listening to country music and smoking weed. Everybody knows if you're gonna lay on the beach and smoke weed you listen to Bob Marley. Not Zac Fucking Brown.  Seriously. Fuck you.  I love the beach and all it represents. Don't do this shit to me.  Now when I go to the beach i'm gonna be surrounded by ugly ass white people with farmers tans, sitting around drinking bud-lights and listening to your dumbass songs. Take your country ass back to Georgia and stop trying to promote your redneck lifestyle in my territory, lest an innocent young girl or confused young man mistakes your over produced, bullshit, new age country as any kind on guideline to how to live.  Imagine if you will a young woman, pure in intentions being roped into this shit.  She meets some country boy and thinks it's cool to sit around on the beach drinking beer, smoking weed and listening to Zac Brown....before she knows it she's pregnant with her 7th kid and is running out of Biblical names for her children to satisfy her drunken husband who works a dead end job 5 days a week and comes home to crack open another beer and watch some NASCAR and leaves on the weekend to go buck hunting with his redneck friends.  It's a cruel end to an innocent life, and I won't stand for it.  Fuck you Zac Brown and all you stand for.

15. The Cardigans -  Lovefool

Why it made the list:  Haha, this song is SO silly, but it totally captures my childhood.  That 90's sound that I grew up with. It was right after I found No Doubt and really started to open up to new and popular music that I found this song.  I remember hearing it at Summer camp, and at the pool, and a lot of good times become associated with this song for me.  The music is actually REALLY good, for a pop song anyway.  The lyrics are admittedly really lame, but it's almost endearing in a way. "love me love me, say that you love me"...doesn't get much lamer really haha, but hey, like I said, it really makes the song what it is! The Cardigans were definitely a one hit wonder, but to me this song represents the 90s, and for that reason and that reason alone it should make this list.  I actually find myself listening to this song ALL the time, which is kind of embarrassing to admit, but i'm officially "coming out" as a Cardigan fan! I also never noticed how unbelievably hot the singer WHOA.

14. Snoop Dogg - Gin And Juice 

Why it made the list: Ummm why wouldn't this make the list?  I love Snoop and all old school hip hop, and this is definitely one of the best from that era.  This is just another one of those songs I can listen to all day long, and is constantly in my CD player in the car.  I can probably recite the lyrics perfectly in my sleep, and I even do an acoustic cover of the song just because I love it so much.  Even though the lyrics are a little bit....well...stupid, it doesn't even make a difference to me. I definitely don't live the kind of lifestyle that he raps about in the song, and I really have absolutely NO concern over money...but when this song is on, I say "Wit my mind of my money and my money on my mind" like it's my lifelong motto! It's kind of funny, i'm sure when this song came out people didn't think it would be such a classic, but almost 20 years later and it's still one of the best known hip hop songs of all time, and it definitely deserves it.

13. Al Green - Love And Happiness 

Why it made the list: As soon as that guitar kicks in and the song starts I can't help but bob my head to this song.  I honestly love any and everything by Al Green, but this song is definitely my favorite.  I adore the lyrics, and as I said before the music just makes you want to move.  There really isn't much more to say about the song, just listen to it, and you'll know what I mean.  The Reverend definitely outdid himself on this one!  I have heard a couple covers of this song, and some are really good...but you really can't compare to the one and only original Al Green.  It's a tough choice between Love and Happiness and Let's Stay Together because I love both songs...but this one just has a feel that I can't deny.

12. The Floorbirds - Moonshiner

Why it made the list: Moonshiner is actually a tradition folk song that has been performed by nearly all the famous American folk singers.  My favorite version is the one I linked by The Floorbirds.  I couldn't find a studio version, but did find a live one.  The music has that perfect depression era folk sound, and The Floorbirds put a nice spin on it by using a ukulele in this version.  A quick word on The Floorbirds, I actually found them on Myspace 5 or 6 years ago, they are not famous, but are by far the best folk duo I have ever heard! The lyrics are really nothing special, just basically about an old drunk, but the way it's performed really sets a mood that gives the song a lot of meaning.  That's probably why I love folk music so much, simple music and simple lyrics, but with the added soul of the performer it becomes a very emotionally intense song, and this is no exception. From the melody line that just wanders around the chord structure, the the haunting harmonies at the end of each verse, this song captures an entire genre of music in a 4 minute song.

11. Twista - Slow Jamz

Why it made the list:  Haha, we went from classic American folk to modern day R&B...gotta love it.  Anyway this song is definitely one of my favorites, the music has that groove I love so much, and the lyrics are just amazing.  Aside from the fact that it names off some of my favorite singers of all time (Luther Vandross, Marvin Gay, Freddie Jackson, Al Green, ect) It also has some seriously hilarious lines; "Shes got a light skin friend look like Michael Jackson, got a dark skin friend look like Michael Jackson" LMAO! Twista also TEARS IT UP on his part as well, and you gotta love Twista.  This song also has maybe one of my favorite lines in a song ever..."Im'a play this Vandross, you gon' take your pants off, im'a play this Gladys Knight, me and you gon' get right." Umm yes, never said better.

10. Eric Clapton - Wonderful Tonight

Why it made the list:  Sorry, none of you people get to know why this song makes the list.  Deal with it. 

9. Curtis Mayfield - Pusherman

Why it made the list:  "I'm just tryin' to make it real it is."  I love the blaxploitation films of the 1970's, and Superfly is maybe the best of the bunch.  Oddly, the best song in Superfly, isn't the song Superfly, it's Pusherman.  I decided to add in the video with the whole actual scene of the movie in it, to really capture the badassness of this song. Do yourself a favor and really watch the dialog at the beginning of the clip.  The lyrics are a little bit silly to someone like me (since i'm not a drug dealer), but the rest of the song makes up for it.  Definitely my favorite Curtis Mayfield song and doesn't get nearly enough credit.  This song actually makes me want to dabble in the drug dealing game...just kidding, but really, it kinda does.  I'm sure this film and song are "part of the problem"...or something.  But really, I can't fault Mayfield on this one, its a classic.

8. No Doubt - Spiderwebs

Why it made the list:  This is maybe the only song on the list that made it purely due to nostalgia.  This song will ALWAYS be near and dear to my heart.  As a kid I really only listened to what my parents listened to, whether it be The Beatles or Al Green, if it wasn't in my parents car radio, It wasn't in my world.  At the time I didn't have internet or cable TV, and I had no desire to experiment with radio stations.  I unexpectedly stumbled into this song however, and never looked back.  At the time I didn't know what ska music was, and I had no idea who or what No Doubt was....but I heard that drum solo intro and the horns kick in with the steel drums in the background, and I was instantly hooked.  This is maybe not my favorite song in the punk/ska genre (we will see that one soon) but it's still one of the best.  Great music, the lyrics are blah, but everything else greatly makes up for it.

7. Sublime - Santeria 

Why it made the list: Now THIS one is my favorite in the punk/ska genre.  I love Sublime, if you asked me who my actual favorite band was, my answer would most definitely be Sublime.  So chill, so laid back, but still so brilliant.  This song is the pinnacle of Sublime songs.  Yes a lot of Sublime flans blow this song off because its one of the popular ones...but it's popular for a reason!  This is also one of the best bass lines in the history of music, in any song, ever.  Seriously.  The lyrics are ok, kind of confusing at times, but they work ok.  Its fun to sing along to anyway.  The guitar solo is top notch (and one of the first full guitar solo's I ever learned) and the raggae feel to the song is perfect in every way.  This is probably also my best known song to perform, and definitely my favorite song that I play. It's too bad Brad wasn't able to live to see how popular this song has become.

6.  Norah Jones - Don't Know Why

Why it made the list: Oh my God...My sweet, sweet Norah.  The only girl in the world that I would drop everything for to be with.  Seriously, I would give away all my money, sell all my possessions and live in a cardboard box on the street if it is what Norah would want for us. If you want to know what my ideal woman looks like, look no further than Norah Jones, and her voice and style are absolutely perfect for me, it's almost like it was meant to be. My love for Norah aside...this song is amazing.  I remember finding this song right before this album hit big, I bought the CD and listened to it for weeks.  Of course she went on to win numerous awards and everybody and their brother was listening to her...which of course made me jealous, but I didn't even care, because I found my future fantasy wife. Anyway...  This song is SO David Collins that it hurts.  Sometimes i put this song on in my room, turn down the lights and light some candles, it fits the mood perfect.  Or I can hop in the car on a cold night and just ride around listening to it.  It's jazzy, soulful, but still relatively simple.  I'm really not sure what all the lyrics mean exactly, I have kind of shaped it to fit my own situations (which is probably for the best anyway) so this song has gotten me through a lot of hard times in my life.  This song is so perfect. And so is Norah Jones. <3

5. Dr. Dre - Still D.R.E.

Why it made the list: You really need to know? Just listen to the music! It's perfect.  I love the feel of the song, it's got that west coast, Cali vibe that I love so much. Just watch the video! It makes me want to be a good Mexican and wear a bandana and ride in a bright colored low rider and bounce around with a pissed off look on my face. Ok...maybe I couldn't pull that off. But in my head I can. Really though I feel like in one way or another the song was written about me...I mean, I am still reppin' for the gangstas all across the world. I'm also taking my time to perfect the beat, and I definitely still got love for the street. So...yeah, no reason why it cant be about DC.  The lyrics are good, nothing that really pops out, but the lyrics don't matter to me anyway.  It's all about the music in this one.  It's my opinion that this music should kick in whenever I walk into a room.  I'm gonna make that happen one day. Watch. 

4. Bob Marley - No Woman No Cry

Why it made the list: This is the most chill song on Earth. There isn't anything more to say.  I don't smoke weed, so this song isn't number 1, but there are times in my life when it would have been.  The music is pretty basic, it's the same progression in classic songs like  Let It Be and Under The Bridge.  The lyrics are nothing really to write home about, they are nice and all, but nothing really profound.  With that said I think everybody in the world knows the "Everything's gonna be alright" part of the song, and I think that simple line means a lot to people. Overall I know there isn't that much to say about this song, it's been one of my favorites for years, and it's an easy pick for a top 5 spot. 

3. Death Cab For Cutie - I Will Follow You Into The Dark

Why it made the list: This song really means a lot to me.  The music is relatively simple, just a singer and an acoustic guitar.  What sets this song apart for me are the lyrics.  They are so nice and sweet, but at the same time very sad.  I hope that one day someone feels about me the way the singer feels about the one he loves.  I love it, my favorite lyrics of any song ever.  To be honest though, I can't listen to the song for too long because it can start to make me way too emotional if I let my mind wander.  That's part of the appeal of this song for me though, there aren't many songs that can hit me so hard that it almost hurts to listen to it.  There have been times in my life where if this song came on i'd have to change it immediately to keep from getting upset, and other times in my life where I could listen to this song on repeat for hours on end and just think of maybe feeling that way about someone.  I can't say enough for this song, I would LOVE and give anything to be able to write a song this profound.  Such a simple concept, but so profound..."If there's no one beside you when your soul embarks, then I will follow you into the dark." Amazing.

2. Vera Lynn - We'll Meet Again

Why it made the list: It's funny, although 20-3 have changed many times over the years, the top two songs have always stayed the same.  By the time you get to this point in my list, you have peeled back all the layers to reach the inside of David Collins.  This song means so much to me.  To be honest, if you asked me what my favorite type of music is, i'd definitely have to say jazz, especially the big band era jazz.  I feel like I was born in the wrong era sometimes, and anytime I hear this song I think about that.  The lyrics are SO simple, but hit me like a ton of bricks.  The lyrics can be meaningful for really anyone.  It can be about a long lost love, a relative, a friend, or really anything.  Vera Lynn's voice is perfect for the song, and when the chorus of people singing the song kicks in I just get goosebumps every time.  I think about a lot of things when I hear this song, and it's not anything i'm willing to share to the whole world, but just know that this song means the world to me.

1. Glenn Miller Orchestra - Moonlight Serenade

Why it made the list: So here we are at number 1, and what else?? Anyone that knows THE REAL David Collins knows that this is, and always has been, my favorite song of all time.  No lyrics, it doesn't need them, and i'm so glad there aren't any.  Like all the great classics like Beethoven and Mozart, there are no need for lyrics.  The music sets a mood, and has a class and sophistication that sets it head and shoulders above anything else.  As I said in the above song, I feel like I was born in the wrong era, and every time I hear this song I imagine what my life would have been like if I had lived in another time.  It's a romantic idea, and maybe I would be less happy in a different period...but in my head, and in my fantasy, life is so much better in those times.  And that's really what matters most to me.  Some songs are good to lay down and relax to, some songs make you smile, some songs make you sad....but some songs just take you to another world.  When I hear this song everything stops.  I won't look at my phone if it rings, I probably won't acknowledge you or respond to your questions if you ask while this song is on.  It has that magical quality of just taking over that moment in my life.  Please, anyone who reads this song at my funeral, it's my last dying wish!  Ok maybe that's not the best thing to think about...but it's the God's honest truth! Best. Song. Ever.

Ok well that does it, now you know my top 20 favorite songs of all time.  I hope you enjoyed reading, I definitely enjoyed writing it.  I would love to see my friends lists, it's an interesting and introspective process and you will probably learn a lot about yourself by writing it, I know i sure did. =D

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